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Only seeing one fixture when I have many - Need a manual

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 9:46 pm
by blaide13
I just bought the Freestyler Wifi pro app for android and installed on my Verizon Galaxy Note 3 phone as well as my Samsung Tab 3 tablet. Both connected right away to freestyler running on my desktop computer but when I goto the fixtures button on the wifi app, I only see the first button with the name of my first light in it. All the other fixture buttons are blank but I have over 20 different fixtures on my freestyler desktop. I've been poking around trying different buttons but can't seem to control any of the other fixtures on my desktop. A very detailed manual or tutorial video of the latest version would be extremely helpful. I've looked on youtube and also on Wiki and a general google search, but can't find anything useful. Only a few quick video clips that don't really go into any detail. I did see one long youtube video but it' in German which doesn't help me as I'm an English speaking American.

Re: Only seeing one fixture when I have many - Need a manual

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 10:07 pm
by blaide13
still trying to figure this out and something strange happened. When I first installed and opened the app, I could see the 3 test cue's I created on the desktop. Then I went to fixtures on the app and controlled a par can on Fixture one (the only fixture button I could do anything with) and then went back to the Cues, my cues have vanished from the app. I closed the cue window on my desktop, opened it again and hit the cue button on the app to refresh it and still no cues showing. Really, Really need a very thorough manual or youtube tutorial.

Re: Only seeing one fixture when I have many - Need a manual

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 10:10 pm
by blaide13
If I hit sequences on the app, I can see the three sequences and their names but they don't show up in the cues and on my desktop I have them in the cue list.

Re: Only seeing one fixture when I have many - Need a manual

Posted: February 5th, 2016, 6:29 pm
by blaide13
Anyone using the wifi app successfully? I paid for the pro version but can't figure out to get it to work. It's been 2 days since I posted my thread and haven't heard back from Mattatone. Maybe he's out of town? If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.